Sunday, April 6, 2008

I miss church...

I miss church. Or more specifically church in the south. I have been attending Redeemer Presbyterian here in NY. The preacher is excellent. His depth and intellect always challenge me to learn and grow. That is definitely what I look for in a minister. He knows how to set up a sermon in a way that I can follow, he rarely chases rabbits nor does he misuse texts to suit his own agenda. He's a peach!
Anyhoo, that's not what I mean by church. I miss the feeling of community. My friend Krystal and I were talking about this the other day. They are moving to Tyler and visited Green Acres church there. She said that she felt like an audience member. It's not that she didn't actively take part in the service but she still felt like she was just one of many, not a part of something. It's hard to explain. But summarily it's missing the sense that you are connected to the people around you.
I miss seeing familiar faces. I miss knowing the person sitting next to you, or at least a person sitting in the next row. I miss hugs and updates. I miss the little children I taught Sunday School. I miss the community. Here I love the church I attend but I am not part of it. Maybe that's how it feels to live in NY. You are here, but everybody else is too, so who cares?

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