Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I love the earth and everything that grows in it. Today we decided to add a little shopping to our regular 2 mile walk and go to the local nursery to pick up a couple of rosebushes for the front-square (to say yard would be an overstatement). I thought it was a grand idea. I had second thoughts on the way home. This was the first day this spring where the temperature reached the upper seventies, with no cloud cover and almost a mile left to travel home. And here we were walking a dog and carrying a large potted rosebush each. All the heat and sore arms aside, it was a good idea.

I love to plant things. I love to weed and mow and all the other things associated with growing things in the soil. In another life I would have been quite a capable farmer. We weeded and planted and pruned our front square. I was dirty, tired and happy! There is just something about having dirt under your fingernails, and nowing that what you've just labored over will potentially take root and grow. It's so amazing to see something grow where you planted it, that is supremely fulfilling. It must be only a smidgeon of the joy God feels as creator and redeemer. I hope to plant my herb garden in the back plot during spring break in a couple weeks. More dirt, Yeah!

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