Thursday, May 8, 2008

6 Things

Okay 6 random things that Jess tagged me for, so here goes...
6. Yesterday I was called by a friend who needed a little TLC. She had to have her cat put to sleep by long distance. I was glad that she called me and I could be her friend in that moment. The couple of hours before her call I had been in a wierd egocentric tailspin. Her loss helped me to regain focus and shake off the histrionics. Later, when I told her that her loss had helped me readjust, she had a good laugh. That's always a good thing- laughing through tears.

5. The last couple of weeks I have been a phone junkie. I have been calling my friends alot! And then we have been having long (wonderful) conversations! The thing about this is, that in the lulls, I itch for a friend fix. I've even been calling my sister (whom I usually only talk to once a week) everyday! I'm jones'in for the talkie!

4. The hair on the right side of my head is a half an inch shorter than the left side. I don't like this, but I am doing my best not to chop on my hair. My mantra, "just let it grow, let it grow."

3. I hope against hope that Whitney will win America's Next Top Model! I think that it's time for a normal sized woman to win. Anya is a total airhead!
AND I really didn't like Saleisha from last season. I think it was a scam because she went to Tyra's self-esteem camp years previous. I wanted Jenah to win!

2. I am so excited to be traveling Texas next month!! I can't wait!

1. I do not like special sauces on my burgers. I prefer plain old mayo. Jess, about the mayo, can we still be friends? :>

I tag... Kristy and Craig.

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