Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Circus

Today we saw the Cirque Le Masque for my Mom's 50th birthday celebration. She will actually turn 50 on Wednesday. It was really neat. There were some amazing acts and some less amazing acts. Mom had a great time and Pop sat through it for her. Of course when I tried to make fun of that fact at intermission he made some jerk response. I even got over that- after a few moments thanks to the start of the second half of the show.
One of the coolest parts were the responses of the kids in attendance. At intermission the little girl in front of us turned abruptly and asked us "It's not over is it?" The look of concern on her face was priceless. As an acrobat climbed and stacked chairs up to the arch of the theater balancing and doing a hand stand the oohs and aahs of the children were enchanting. Afterward we went out to eat. Overall it was a good day. One must add is that the muscle men were amazing!! And the tall one was scrumptous!

Happy Birthday MAMA!

1 comment:

la bohème said...

I love Cirque de Soleil. We saw them in Houston. It was wonderful! That is an excellent birthday gift for moms.