Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To Catch Up...

I quit me second job a couple of weeks earlier than I thought... I realized I didn't have to put up with the chauvinists I worked with. My replacement already knew more than me about accounting anyway, so I put in notice and did a little dance in the office kitchen!!
I preached my first sermon and Chris said (and I quote) "I nailed it!!" I think it went well; I had two good teachers: my Pop and Chris, so who would expect less. It was an awesome experience, very humbling. There is so much more to say about that, but some other time.
I did music for VBS... so funny, the kids were hilarious!! I think anyone who works for a church or maybe even those who just work a VBS come to hate it... ok maybe hate is a strong word but it is definitely a burden. But somehow this time it was sweeter... maybe because it's my last here, or maybe its because I got to teach music rather than an actual class. Either way I actually had fun, I liked being with the kids.
We just got back from Children's Passport Camp in Huntsville... it was so good. The kids had a great time and I met some awesome people. I love camp for that reason... the connections you make, the people you get to be with and the kids who are with you. It is taxing by the weeks end trying not to bite their heads off when they ask the millionth question of the day... but all in all a really good experience.
So now here I am weepy all the time, realizing that I am truly leaving. Leaving this place that has become my hometown. This place where I know someone on every block, know that most of the people here would give me the shirt off their backs if I needed it. I leave my loved ones, my family for the last two years, and I leave the place where little Dani finally grew up. Danielle leaves here a wiser and stronger person. I wasn't born here but I grew up here. I've never really had a hometown before. When asked where I grew up, I would always say "oh, lots of places in Texas." Now I have a different answer. Eagle Lake- and it tears a piece of my heart out to leave it. I know that this move is good, and look forward to the newness thats coming. My parents and my future await me in NY. My birthday is Friday... I realized that this year is one of the first that I haven't looked back and thought, by this time I thought I would be such-and-such, and so-and-so. I am not sure what that means, but I am glad for it. At camp I remember telling the CBF missionary that we Christians are bread crumb people. We never get the whole loaf, but just like Hansel and Gretel make our way home a crumb at a time. I like that. I can handle the crumbs...
My going away party is this Sunday... more than anything I want my people, my church, to know how much they mean to me. I continually thank God for that entire he has given me here... and in that know that he does have good for me elsewhere, too.
I have a garage sale this Saturday...if you think of it say a little organizational prayer for me. I can use it.

Now you're caught up!!

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