Wednesday, March 8, 2006


Jack is my (for lack of better term) god-nephew. I am known as Auntie Dani, which I love!
He is the most beautiful little boy, so sweet and funny- he get's the funny part from me, it has nothing to do with his parents.. ;>
Anyhoo... I was watching him the other night and he had a little fever, he was teething. So, he was fussy and needy.

SIDE NOTE: Most of the time he isn't a snuggler, you know. Some babies are... not this little man! He has never been one who liked to be held close, even as a newborn Jess would hold him and he'd sprawl out and want as much room as possible.

I hate it when he feels bad like this... really! But when he is sick, all he wants is to sit with his Dani and watch cartoons or Conan the Barbarian... (ok, he doesn't care what's on TV). But he just sits there, all cuddled close and its so bloody fabulous!! I mean it's like "could I love this little man anymore!" I'm glad you're better Jackie-boy but I miss the couch time!

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