Friday, March 24, 2006

Funny me...

Ok yesterday my friend Chris and I were talking birthdays. Mine is the next in line, and its July 21st. So I started thinking ok I will be twenty-six this year... "la dee da" I go merrily on my way. Then I see my age on my blog thingy and realize I will be twenty-seven this year!! Ok, I know its not really momentus, but its so funny, so very me.
I usually go ahead and say I'm the next age up after Christmas time. But this year I only thought I had done that... so now I'm all a muddle. Good thing I have a blog so I can keep track of how old I am!!
Well at least this year I don't feel like I'm going nowhere fast. In fact I feel twenty-seven and I like it... go figure. I just hope I can remember how old I am until July...

Another me scenario, after work on Wednesday I decide to drive to Columbus before church. I leave my mom a message and then put my cell phone on the seat next to me. On the way a gravel truck in front of me decides to turn and I put on the breaks (ok, I break hard, I was speeding). That's when my cell phone slides off the seat of the truck into a big glass of iced tea in my cup holder. I, of course, don't notice. I drive to Columbus and run my erands. Then I realize Mom hasn't called me back. That's when I find my phone bathing in my tea. I laugh very hard for a while, and remember that I can go get another phone in town. But wait! All my numbers are lost!! I am not the kind of girl who writes them down, I just enter them into my phone. Now I alternate between laughter and anger. So I head over to the CellONE office and redeem my free phone upgrade that I turned down two weeks ago via telemarketer. And reenter as many numbers as I can for the next couple of days...

A note for all you readers out there: When you make your phone list on your cell and save the number, you are not saving it to your SIM card, which is the harddrive of your phone. You are just saving to your phone's memory. You have to manually save each number to your SIM if you want to really save them, then your SIM can go to each new phone you have. Because even tea doesn't corrupt your SIM. Lesson learned!

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