Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Birthday Present...

Last Thursday was my birthday. I turned twenty-six years old. It was a big birthday for me for various reasons, but amidst life plan reorganization and reflection came one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received...
After teaching at VBS that night I went over to the parsonage to sit and unwind in my customary way. Once there my wonderful friend Jessica handed me a box tied up in ribbon. Amid apologies about the wrapping and crafting of the gift I unwrapped something incredibly moving and special. It was a photo album expertly covered in blue burlap. It took me a few seconds to comprehend just what the album held. Very prettily displayed in protective coverings were letters and notes, well wishes for my birthday from the people in my life: friends, family, church members, even pets. I hadn't yet read the letters or made my way past the names of the first few contributers when I was overcome with emotion.
-Sitting here now trying to think up words to describe how I felt at that moment a single word seems to keep popping up- significance. Significance washed over me and I was honored and humbled and grateful.-
As I sat there trying to check my tears, hearing how she had contacted my family, friends, and our church members I was awed. Awed not only by her innovative thoughtfulness and everyone's ability to keep a secret, but also because I had no idea how much I wanted or needed to be a significant part of life for those around me. Her gift cemented in my mind and heart the knowledge that whether it was with a smile, a laugh or in song I had made impact.
Later when I got home I sat down and read all of the letters, notes and funny poems. Mostly as I read I smiled, at times I laughed out loud and yes, several times there were tears too. I went to bed that night with a happy heart and a little headache from all the tears, but most of all I went to bed grateful. And for me that was something I hadn't felt in a while. Grateful.
"And the Lord God arranged for a leafy plant to grow there, and soon it spread its broad leaves over Jonah's head, shading him from the sun. This eased some of his discomfort, and Jonah was very grateful..." Jonah 4:6

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