Monday, February 9, 2009


I just finished an extra long day at the hospital and my feet hurt. Though this day's patient was a complicated post-op case and I'm tired, I'm also blissfully content. I gave the best care I could today. I was on my toes, caught a few things and learned a whole lot. I was no super-nurse but the 87 year old Italian man in my care did ask me out to dinner when he gets better. Also at the end of the day his family affirmed and encouraged me in my call as a nurse. So yes, I may be busy, hard to get in touch with, and tired alot these days... but I'm also happy.


Patrick said...

I'm glad you're back! And I'm happy that you're happy.

Thanks for the kind words on m'blog.

Definitely take the elderly Italian man up on his offer. Never turn down a free meal - that's my motto.

Kristy said...

Dani! Glad you posted. And that things are going well--and you must be a super nurse to be getting offers like that! :)
Thanks for the comments on my blog too. I noticed Titus' first tooth popping through yesterday!!!! :)
And I also like David's beard. I think I will have him grow one with our next babies too . That way they won't be afraid of bearded men like so many babies are. Did your dad have a beard when you were a baby?

Danielle said...

He did!! Pop went away for a month of training when I was in the 6th grade. He came back with a mustache and I walked right by him after school when he came to pick me up. Didn't even recognize him!