Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Where I'm at.

Where am I?
I'm still trying to figure it out.I think that might be a theme for my life.I start nursing school (fingers crossed) in Feb. It will be an Associates degree in nursing. That should only take me through the summer of 2008 to finish. I'm putting off the PT thing. I need to be a nurse first. Then I can work and save to move to the ideal locale of Seattle. God knows I can't stay in NY.I come to like it a little more each day. A miniscule, a little more.It's not friendly, and I need socialization, community.I'm taking steps. I am going to a church I like. Will eventually join. Then I will also be a part of the weekly home groups. That should give me an anchor, a community. Because unlike most churches I have been to, no one wants to talk. They come to learn and be fed to praise God. Not- to visit and get to know those around them. That would be eegads- southern.
New Yorkers are autonomous. They don't look outside themselves if they can help it. No wonder crime here has no witness. No one looks around to try and help.So I'm still me- taking the Dog to the park, taking my mom to work, cooking, shopping etc for the fam. Cleaning the house. Reading. little odds and ends that help break up the monotony.I am trying to be more grateful. To see the beauty in the moments, as a friend once said. And to break the habits I have reverted too since moving home. Those adolescent, I-don't-know-who-I-am habits that make rebellion the first course of action.
I do know who I am and I need to grab that girl and shake her from time to time. God bless.